Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean
The series Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean publishes work on all aspects of the ancient Mediterranean. It includes a wide range of publication, including excavation and fieldwork reports, monographs, and collections of seminar and conference papers. We welcome proposals for new additions to this series. If you have a book proposal you would like us to consider, or would like further information about publishing with Accordia, please contact a member of the Editorial Committee (Prof. R. Whitehouse)
For a pricelist and details of how to purchase books in this series, please see our page on How to Order.
John B. Wilkins and Edward Herring (eds), 2003.
Inhabiting symbols: Symbol and image in the ancient Mediterranean
Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 5.
ISBN 1 873415 25 7
Edward Herring, Irene Lemos, Fulvia Lo Schiavo, Lucia Vagnetti, Ruth Whitehouse
& John Wilkins (eds), 2006.
Across Frontiers. Papers in honour of David Ridgway and Francesca R. Serra Ridgway
Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 6.
ISBN 1 873415 29 X
Kathryn Lomas, Ruth Whitehouse and John Wilkins (eds), 2007.
Literacy and the State in the Ancient Mediterranean
Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 7
ISBN 978-1873415344
Robert H. Tykot, Jonathan Morter and John E. Robb (eds), 1999.
Social dynamics of the prehistoric central Mediterranean
Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 3.
ISBN 1 873415 19 2
David Ridgway, Francesca R. Serra Ridgway, Mark Pearce, Edward Herring, Ruth Whitehouse and John Wilkins (eds), 2000.
Ancient Italy in its Mediterranean setting. Studies in honour of Ellen Macnamara
Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 4.
ISBN 1 873415 21 4
Fabio Saccoccio and Elisa Vecchi (eds), 2022.
Who do you think you are? Ethnicity in the Iron Age Mediterranean.
Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 8
ISBN 978-187315474
John B. Wilkins (ed.), 1996.
Approaches to the study of ritual: Italy and the ancient Mediterranean [Out of Print]
Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 2.
ISBN 1 873415 15 X
K. Painter (ed.), 1994.
Churches built in ancient times: Recent studies in early Christian archaeology
[Out of Print]
Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 1. (Joint Publication with the Society of Antiquaries)
ISBN 978-1873415108