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Accordia Research Papers 1 (1990) 


Delano Smith, C. Place or Prayer? Maps in Italian Rock Art, 5-18


Whitehouse, R.D. Caves and Cult in Neolithic Southern Italy, 19-38


Stoddart, S. The Political Landscape of Etruria, 39-52


Wilkins, J.B. Nation and Language in Ancient Italy: problems of the linguistic evidence, 53-72


Manacorda, D. Excavations in the Crypta Balbi, Rome: a survey, 73-82


Hodges, R. Glyn Daniel, the Great Divide, and the British Contribution to Italian Archeology, 83-94


Blake, H.  Aguzzi, F. (with a contribution by S. Sfrecola). Eleventh Century Islamic Pottery at Pavia, North Italy: the Torre Civica Bacini, with a report on the mineralogical analyses by Sergio Sfrecola, 95-153


Balista, C., De Guio, A., Edwards, M., Ferri, R., Herring, E., Howard Davis, C., Howard, P., Peretto, R.,  Vanzetti, A., Whitehouse, R. & Wilkins, J.  Alto-Medio Polesine Project: second report, 153

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